Father of the bride quotes

Here is a selection of comments we've received from our customers.

  • "Today I bought a login for the Father of the Bride speech material. I would like to say a big thank you, because it has given me loads of ideas I can include in my speech."
    Mark Murphy, Hucknall, UK
  • "I would like to thank you for producing such an outstanding and brilliant website."
    Jack Cook, Halstead, UK
  • "Good content, one-off low price – exactly what I wanted."
    Henry Lewes, Ipswich, UK
  • "This is an effective, easy to use site that has helped me beyond belief to write my wedding speech. Brilliant!"
    Jared Wiles, Devizers, UK
  • "This has been an invaluable tool. A dynamic speech source for any father of the bride."
    Lawrence Verna, Bingley, UK
  • "WeddingSpeechbuilder fulfilled an important part of my wedding speech requirements. Your editorial team know what people are looking for. I particularly valued the "Observations about the wedding" scenarios."
    Christopher Smith, Glastonbury, UK
  • "Thank you for creating this website which helped massively in the preparation of my speech. Like so many fathers of the bride, I have little experience in this field. Your material and templates were much appreciated."
    Ralph McGill, Worcester, UK
  • "I used your excellent Father of the bride speech material in July of 2005 for my daughters' wedding with +100 guests. I wanted to see a range of different approaches to the speech and some quality humour. Your website provided me with both, the examples were extremely useful. The result came through very well and I got numerous comments from guests congratulating me upon how outstanding the speech was. I've got one last daughter to "give away" and will return to your fine website when that time comes. Thank you very much for such an excellent product."
    George Boyd, Northam, UK
  • "With this website’s help I managed to get the balance between making everyone laugh and also creating a huge tear in everyone's eye during my father of the bride speech. I wish I’d had access to all this material when my first daughter got married."
    Liam Crawford, London, UK
  • "I just wanted to let you know how useful your site was to me. I found some great lines to describe the sort of relationship I have with my daughter. I also found the exact words that express how proud I am of her and her achievements. This helped me greatly."
    Scott Hector, London, UK

See our father of the bride speech templates and example father of the bride speeches for ideas on how to organise your father of the bride speech.