Customer reviews of our groom speech material

Here is a selection of comments we've received from our customers.

  • "I recently purchased a groom speech password. The example speeches are extremely well written and the site is worth every penny. Thank you!"
    Alex Hillicks, Clevedon, UK
  • "You have a good understanding of what people (like myself) want to say in their wedding speech, but can’t quite find the words or format to tie their thoughts together."
    Andrew Hutchinson, Ilford, UK
  • "The range of content ideas covered is very impressive. The site enabled me to spend a lot less time writing my speech than I had anticipated."
    Callum Rooke, Beccles, UK
  • "Hi, just to say a big thank you for getting me out of a sticky situation, much appreciated.....yeah, I hadn’t written my wedding speech until two days before the wedding. After thirty mins of going through the relevant categories I’d pieced together a speech which was both funny and appropriate to my situation. Your help was invaluable."
    Craig Salt, Huntingdon, UK
  • "A big thank you to all who produce the site as I would have been lost without it - one of the best tenners' I've ever spent!"
    Julian Cossey, Hereford, UK
  • "I wanted to send an email to say what a wonderful web site you have and how useful it has been to me. Big congratulations!"
    Frank Cooke, Derby, UK
  • "I think the website is brilliant and very helpful. It’s very easy to use and I’m certain I can pull a descent speech together by the end of the day."
    Alistair Knight, Kidderminster, UK
  • "Thank you, your website was a wonderful help and without it my speech would have been much harder to prepare. You provided me with inspiration."
    Clive Marsh, Brighton, UK
  • "Thanks for all the help that your site offered, well worth the membership."
    Howard Eamer, Southport, UK
  • "Just wanted to drop you a line to say that everyone liked my speech, thanks for the help!"
    Shane Bloom, Worthing, UK

See our groom speech templates and groom speech examples for ideas on how to organise your wedding speech.