Customer reviews of our bride speech material

Here is a selection of comments we've received from our customers.

  • "Your site has significantly supported my efforts in writing a speech. I’m grateful for the vast range of material you’ve made available."
    Alexandra Risby, Lancaster, UK
  • "I strongly recommend this site to any bride wanting to make a speech."
    Georgina Barnes, Maldon, UK
  • "I am very impressed by how creative your content is. I wanted to pay a personal tribute to my friends and family and there are plenty of examples on how I could that. You site truly helped me to say the right words."
    Edith Saunders, Gravesend, UK
  • "Many thanks, the assistance of this website has been invaluable. I was able to craft just the sort of speech I wanted using the templates and material from your website. I like the fact that you can search for individual lines very specific to your speech criteria."
    Kate Barnard, Harlow, UK
  • "I created my speech using one of your speech plans. Your site gave me lots of ideas and for each part of the speech I was able to find a line that precisely expressed my sentiments."
    Sarah Berger, Elmbridge, UK
  • "Thanks to the library of material on this website I was able to make a speech very specific to my circumstances. I found the templates to be an excellent guideline. I don't know what I would have done without them."
    Sally Turner, Newmarket, UK
  • "This site is excellent! I new what I wanted to say and this site gave me examples on how I could say it with both sincerity and humour. The material contained within the speech sections is fantastic."
    Hannah Roberts, Corby, UK
  • "I used the website to make a toast at my wedding. I wanted to say some personal thank yous in the most entertaining way possible. Your material was excellent."
    Ruth Tanner, Southampton, UK
  • "I wanted to inject a little humour into my bride speech but didn't know where to start. I used several of your one-liners which went down brilliantly with our guests."
    Kelly Moore, Ann Arbor, Michigan
  • "This website is great. I wanted to say something at my wedding but was concerned about just repeating a load of thank yous. Following the ideas and templates on your site I was quickly able to produce a speech that I felt was worthwhile in it's own right."
    Amanda Carpenter, Selkirk, UK

See our bride speech templates and bride speech examples for ideas on how to organise your wedding speech.