Customer reviews of our groom speech material

Here is a selection of comments we've received from our customers.

  • "Thank you very much for your website which helped me enormously in the writing of my groom speech."
    Guy Pook, Grays, UK
  • "I was really impressed with the quality of this website. It was extremely helpful to have such a comprehensive selection of example groom speeches at my disposal."
    Craig Fraser, Fleetwood, UK
  • "The Groom Speech material threw up plenty of ideas about how to make a ‘must-do speech’ entertaining and amusing. My speech was received well and I got plenty of laughs."
    Bryce Glover, Freeport, Illinois
  • "Hi, just to say a big thank you for getting me out of a sticky situation, much appreciated.....yeah, I hadn’t written my wedding speech until two days before the wedding. After thirty mins of going through the relevant categories I’d pieced together a speech which was both funny and appropriate to my situation. Your help was invaluable."
    Craig Salt, Huntingdon, UK
  • "My speech went down very well, thanks to this website. The material I used got plenty of laughs and I didn't seem to offend anyone either! I closed my speech with the ‘innuendo’ line in the section ‘Handing over to the best man’ which had everyone in stitches. Thanks again."
    Lee Clark, Greenock, UK
  • "Hi, the content of your site is invaluable. Just wanted to express my satisfaction and relief."
    Paul Haines, Newcastle, UK
  • "I think the website is brilliant and very helpful. It’s very easy to use and I’m certain I can pull a descent speech together by the end of the day."
    Alistair Knight, Kidderminster, UK
  • "To whom it may concern, I got a login for the WeddingSpeechBuilder site prior to my wedding and used the service to build an excellent bridegroom speech. Just wanted to express my appreciation."
    David Thomson, Henley, UK
  • "Great website, helped me get my speech started and finished."
    Harry Woolfe, Yeovil, UK
  • "Many thanks, the assistance this website gave me at the last moment was a life saver."
    Nathan Mayor, Redditch, UK

See our groom speech templates and groom speech examples for ideas on how to organise your wedding speech.