Thank your parents for a happy upbringing
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Mum and Dad, thanks for everything that you have given me during my life. And for all your help in planning today – we couldn’t have done it without you. Thanks for bringing me up the way you have, for all of your encouragement and support. But most of all thank you for instilling in me whatever it is that convinced Paul that he wanted to marry me. On that score alone, I think you can be justifiably proud of yourselves. I am certainly proud to have you as my parents.
I'd like to thank my parents for a wonderful up-bringing. Mum and Dad, all these years, I've know that I could count on you for guidance and support. I know I don't tell you often that I love you, but believe me I do. And don't ask me to say this again in a few minutes so you can relive it one more time.