Customer reviews of our groom speech material

Here is a selection of comments we've received from our customers.

  • "Thanks, an excellent product and service."
    Thomas Pardoe, Abingdon, UK
  • "The range of content ideas covered is very impressive. The site enabled me to spend a lot less time writing my speech than I had anticipated."
    Callum Rooke, Beccles, UK
  • "The Groom Speech material threw up plenty of ideas about how to make a ‘must-do speech’ entertaining and amusing. My speech was received well and I got plenty of laughs."
    Bryce Glover, Freeport, Illinois
  • "The ideas and materials are topical and provided valuable help in writing my wedding speech. Without it I would feel like I was developing my speech more or less blind."
    Mathew King, Barnstaple, UK
  • "Hi, just to say a big thank you for getting me out of a sticky situation, much appreciated.....yeah, I hadn’t written my wedding speech until two days before the wedding. After thirty mins of going through the relevant categories I’d pieced together a speech which was both funny and appropriate to my situation. Your help was invaluable."
    Craig Salt, Huntingdon, UK
  • "A couple of weeks out from the wedding I found your website. What a life saver! I read through the example speeches and was able to put my speech together the following evening."
    Graeme Sellers, Poole, UK
  • "Thank you, your website was a wonderful help and without it my speech would have been much harder to prepare. You provided me with inspiration."
    Clive Marsh, Brighton, UK
  • "To whom it may concern, I got a login for the WeddingSpeechBuilder site prior to my wedding and used the service to build an excellent bridegroom speech. Just wanted to express my appreciation."
    David Thomson, Henley, UK
  • "Great website, helped me get my speech started and finished."
    Harry Woolfe, Yeovil, UK
  • "Just wanted to say that you have a superb site which helped me immensely. I couldn’t have done it without you. Thanks!"
    Dominic Jones, Newport, UK

See our groom speech templates and groom speech examples for ideas on how to organise your wedding speech.