Honouring a deceased relative
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The speech I am making now should really be made by Linda’s father, my brother Alan, but sadly he can’t be with us. Linda meant the world to him and he would have loved today’s big occasion. I know he would have gone around all day with the biggest, proudest grin on his face, and a pint in his hand. I am honoured to have been asked to fill Alan's place, even as I am saddened by the circumstances. We all miss him very much. But I know he would want you all to enjoy the day and see the happy couple off in style.
A wedding is a time for joy and fun, with friends and family gathered to see the happy couple off as they start their new life. But it is a time, too, when our thoughts inevitably turn to those people who cannot be with us today. So let’s raise a glass to Linda’s grandfather, Alex, who we remember with love and pride.